Lately I have started keeping a journal, more than one actually, and I am having a lot of fun. I find that keeping a notebook in my purse makes me even more likely to jot down notes to myself throughout the day. A day job does not stop my characters from giving me ideas…thank God!
I read The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron many years ago when I was creatively blocked, and Morning Pages (writing three pages of stream of consciousness every morning) and journaling are a big part of that work. I find that by doing both, I am clearing my mind of old business and new confusions, while making room for more beauty to grow, both in my life and in my art. And it is a joy. If you’re a blocked artist, or just looking for the next novel idea, I highly recommend it.
Christy, I am a long-time journaler–I started keeping a daily journal in 1983 (!) and only wish I’d started earlier. Not only is it a wonderful way to get my head straight about what I’m writing (and I do a lot of writing-about-writing), but it keeps me honest. I am continually amazed by the difference between how I come to “remember” things, and the raw reality I recorded in my journal however-many years ago. I highly recommend journaling as well! 🙂