Writing And Walking And Joy

My day job at a regional bank has been so busy lately that  I have not been taking time for walks. Now this is nuts, because I live in one of the most beautiful places and it is spring, when the mountains and hills are finally turning green again, and all the trees are beginning to lose their blooms. But one of my New Year’s Resolutions, along with looking for Joy, is to not judge myself. So no judgement. I haven’t walked much, but maybe I will tomorrow. Or later today.

So it goes with things we know are good for us. Sometimes Joy requires discipline,too.

When I lived in New York,  occasionally walked a labyrinth at Battery Park at the very southern tip of the city. It was as soothing as all labyrinths are, and the noise of tourists and traffic fell away in that place, as if it was untouched by time or reality. I suppose every labyrinth is touched with a different kind of reality, a sense of peace.

I have not gone labyrinth walking since I came to Asheville almost three years ago. Definitely another walk to add to my Joy list.


One of my favorite labyrinths is in Monk’s Corner, SC.  Here’s a photo of this labyrinth in late fall. Drawn by high grasses and wild flowers, it is one of the largest labyrinth walks I’ve ever taken. I kept being distracted by the butterflies and dragonflies that abounded there. But I finished the walk, and it did indeed bring me joy.

Mpekin Labyrinth 3

Here’s to Joy in your life, whatever brings it. Sometimes we have to go out and seek it. It’s worth the extra effort. Joy has a lot of gifts for us in its pockets.

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